Registration Open -- School Year 2022-2023
Date: Sunday, August 21 @ 22:26:27 EDT

Dear MMCS Students and Parents,

Welcome to the 2022-23 school year. We are pleased to announce that registration is now open. Please complete your registration for the student by 9/4/2022 to get a $60 early bird discount in the language class tuition. The total tuition displayed on the invoice is for the entire school year. Follow this link (Click 'Registration') to register.

We offer the following seven extra-curricular classes this year.

1.         Dance I (5 - 8 years old) - taught by Emily Zhang

2.         Dance II (9 + years old) - taught by Lianghong Zhou

3.         Chess - taught by Ercan Ornek/Minghang Chen

4.         Art - taught by Jasmine Rosenblatt

5.         GO 围棋 – taught by Edward Zhou

6.         Erhu 二胡 – taught by Bing Yao (Bring your own instrument)



7.         AP Chinese – taught by Rui Wu


 Tuition Payment

Tuition for both language classes and extra-curriculums have been raised due to the pressure of inflation. This is the first time we increase the tuition in many years. It will help us to balance out the operating cost and run the school in a healthy way. The new tuition for the whole school year (32 school weeks) is below:
Language: $400 (regular)/$340 (early bird)
Extra curriculum: $160

We encourage you to pay the tuition by check. Paypal charged nearly 4% fee on us. if you use paypal, please add 4% to your tuition amount.

Cash:  Pay cash at school on the 1st school day.

Check:  Please make the check payable to: MCCC and put down student name and class name in the memo. Please pay check on the 1st school day on site or send the check to:


PO BOX 664

Brookfield, WI 53008-0664

Paypal:  Please go to, click Donate button. Please mention student name and class name in the Memo.


Guidance for COVID-19 Prevention 

Why prevention is important?

Our students benefit from in-person learning, and safely returning to in-person instruction in the fall 2022 is a priority. This guidance emphasizes implementing layered prevention strategies to protect people who are not fully vaccinated, including students, teachers, staff, and other members of their households.

Safety protocol:

·       Masks are recommended in all indoor public places for all students, staff,  teachers,  parents, and visitors,  regardless of vaccination status.

·       The mask should cover your nose and mouth.

·       Stay minimum 3 feet apart from others; teacher will pre-arrange the seats prior to the class.

·       Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated indoor spaces.

·       Control the traffic by separating recess schedule.

·       Disinfecting the common area (doorknob, desk surface, computer keyboard, mouse) with wipes before and after each class.

·       Hand sanitizer will be provided in each classroom, students and teachers are required to sanitize their hands in and out.

·       Students, teachers, and staff should stay home when they have signs of any infectious illness.

·       On duty patrol to monitor the implementation of the above guidelines


To ensure the implementation of the above health measures, we will have parents every week to patrol the classrooms.  Each family will serve 2 times and we appreciate your supports. 


Reference: CDC guideline Updates as of August 11, 2022

This article comes from Milwaukee Modern Chinese School

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